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Thursday, November 11, 2010

hw #4-3 Using Congruent Triangles to Solve Problems

hw #4-3
pg 130 #1-16 ALL
pg 132 #1-5,7

OK,  spread the word... if you can't do all of the proofs at least do the odds AND TRY #16 ... if  you already did the whole assignment... it wasn't THAT BAD, was it??



  1. This is a miserablefulifyingdeathly homework assignment. On a more serious note, this homework is awfully repetitive and really annoying.(Nearly every single one is a time consuming 2 column proof.) Very seriously now, please do not assign more assignments like this.

  2. Glad to hear you're miserable... it always cheers me up... thanks! The only way to learn how to do proofs is to do proofs. Geometrically speaking...

    If you do proofs, then you can do proofs.

    Do this homework, and you will have a sparkling quiz on Monday.

    Good night!

  3. Good night! But by the time you read this it'll be tomorrow or would that be today? either way... it's GOOD MORNING! or if you see this in the afternoon it's HI!

  4. Somebody (besides me) needs some sleep...

  5. Nick, I believe it's time to search for Nessie!

  6. mr c. i am having trouble with 13 all the others i got

  7. You must be over-thinking... (hmmm... Jamie... thinking... is that an oxymoron?)... oh well, at any rate...

    Here's a paragraph proof - can you do the 2-column version?

    Based on given, angl-TRS cong to angl-VRS. Then, you have angl-RST and angl-RSV as right angles (and therefore congruent), sgmnt-SR cong to sgmt-SR (reflexive). That's trngl-TRS cong to trngl-VRS due to SAS, yes?

    That means seg-RT cong seg-VR due to (can you tell me?). And since those are two cong segments of trngl-RTV, this little piggy went all the way home (weeeeeeeeee!).


    A good way to look at a problem like this is to work and think backwards (some of you should find this technique very natural!). If trngl-RTV needs to be proved isosceles, what would you need? Two cong sides, right? Well two of the sides belong to other triangles that you might be able to prove congruent. SOOO, if you can find an SSS or SAS or ASA somewhere in the puzzle, you should be home-free! Got it?

  8. Ha! the guy almost got spooled!
    (YAY! fishing lingo that nobody will understand)
    Also, Mr.C, If you want it to catch a monster like that, I have a nice Squidder 140 that I could consider trading for the answer key to the next test...
    And, to make this slightly on-topic, the homework is fun and when is the next bible reading?
    And, for #10, pg137, you can prove that the two triangles are similar!
