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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

hw #4-7 Medians, Altitudes, & Perp Bisectors

Don't forget to Triangulate the Turkey, Stuffing, and Sweet Potatoes... you can link string beans and asparagus to make auxiliary lines.

Gobble Gobble!


  1. Nick said...

    We are going to be gods at drawing that diagram with the two pyramids with a plane cutting it. We've only drawn it 7 times more than any other diagram.

  2. I think we should all chip in and buy Chisu & Nick a hedgehog.

  3. I like hedgehogs. I'm totally in. One question. Why a hedgehog? Why not a beaver or a Maxwell? (maxwell's this big fluffy rodent that lives under my shed. I don't know what he actually is so my dad and i named him maxwell)

  4. It's most likely a groundhog (aka woodchuck). Does Maxwell resemble this?...

    I have a groundhog that lives under a large rock in my front yard... his name is Ralph. I once had a box turtle named Max... I think it was short for Maximilian.

    A beaver might be a bit too much for the boys... if not a hedgehog, possibly a ferret (we could name him Phil)?

  5. My vote is on the ferret named phil.

  6. ... and deny Woody the Woodchuck or Harry the Hedgehog?! Heartless, Keenan, Heartless!!
