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Monday, November 15, 2010

hw #4-4 Isosceles Triangles & Monsters

Well, maybe no monsters, but a few ugly looking fish!


  1. Nick said...

    Ha! the guy almost got spooled!
    (YAY! fishing lingo that nobody will understand)

    Also, Mr.C, If you want it to catch a monster like that, I have a nice Squidder 140 that I could consider trading for the answer key to the next test...

    And, to make this slightly on-topic, the homework is fun and when is the next bible reading?

    And, for #10, pg137, you can prove that the two triangles are similar!

  2. Answer keys are negotiable, please know I prefer cash and lots of it.

    Slightly more on topic, eh? For our geometry class???!!! The oxymoron's don't stop!

    Tentative Bible Reading scheduled for Dec 1st (Unit 4 Test). Valuable prizes may be awarded! You could win a NEW CAR!!

    For #10, yup.

  3. mr c i have left my book in my locker. i kno there is an online book but you need an activation key

  4. Hmmm, I did NOT know there was an online book... you are smarter than me after-all!

  5. woww nick. and i have issues with 9-12 classroom excersizes

  6. Well, OK. We'll discuss in class... AGAIN!

    Cor 1 "flows" from Thm 4-1 in that if two cong angles create two cong opp sides, then three cong angles will create three cong sides. If you "walk" around the triangle, you'll always have adjacent congruent sides facing opposing angles.

    The existence of a corollary implies that no further PROOF is needed based upon the veracity of the theorem.

    You can make similar arguments for the other corollaries... spend your time on the written exercises... THAT IS WHAT YOU WILL GET WRONG ON THE TEST!

  7. oh. i dont really get it still

  8. If you are talking about #9-12, just give up already... we'll discuss in class. How are you doing on the WRITTEN EXERCISES?

  9. Yeah i second jamie. I think i understand 9-12 but not sure.
