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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

hw for Unit 8


  1. how are we suppossed to solve problems 23-29? Ther are only 2 known measurements. you need 3 to solve!!

  2. You need to look at the corollaries for Thm 8-1 and understand the concept of the geometric mean... it's a little tricky at first, but I have much confidence in you! Once you get it, the proportions just roll off your pencil!

  3. can you please explain corollary 2 to thrm 8-1 as i do not understand the meaning of it.

  4. Hey Kev-O,

    We'll have to go over it in class... I'll try to re-state the corollary below as best I can (I'll use CAPS for the words I add to it)...

    When the altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle, each leg OF THE ORIGINAL TRIANGLE is the geometric mean between the hypotenuse OF THE ORIGINAL TRIANGLE and the segment of the ORIGINAL hypotenuse that is adjacent to that leg.

    All you can do at this point is stare at the example and try a few problems until you get (hopefully) get it.

    Not to worry, we'll put it on the old smartboard tomorrow!

  5. u do no5t understand the corolarries or the geometric means at all... basically 16-21 i do not understand
